Monday, April 6, 2009

Playing around!

This weekend we visited my grandmothers in North Carolina. We didn't get any pictures with Grandma Dorothy, but here are a few of Mackenzie playing at Grandma 'Ceil's house.

Pretending to sleep!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

Here again, you could say, "Like Mother, Like Daughter"! When you guys were small, that closet was a favorite hiding and playing spot of yours and Michelle's. Daddy usually kept his banjo and guitar in there, but your Papaw never seemed to mind moving anything for you two. You also pretended to be asleep, but never used a throw rug for cover, is that a new trend?

I'm sure Mama enjoys watching the great-grandkids play, thinking of how she and Daddy enjoyed all the fun times with you guys when you were small. I've learned that memories become more precious with age and I'm sure that losing Daddy has made Mama's memories more precious than ever.

Lots of Love,