Monday, July 27, 2009

2 Months!

Mackayla turned 2 months old on July 23. We went for her well visit today. She had to get a few vaccines, and she wasn't too happy with that. In fact, she had one of the worst afternoons yet. After her appointment I had to go to work, so Jon took both girls home after he got off work. When I got home later, she had her bottle and a dose of Tylenol per the pediatrician's advice. That was at 8:30 Monday night. She went to sleep immediately afterwards in her swing, and as I'm typing this at 1 AM Tuesday morning, she is still asleep. Poor kid, I don't remember Mackenzie reacting this way. Hopefully when she wakes up she will be back to her normal, happy self.
Now, on to her monthly update!
Mackayla, at two months old, you are:
  • 10.3 pounds (50th percentile)
  • 23 inches long (95th percentile)
  • STILL wearing Newborn-sized diapers
  • Wearing 0-3 month size clothes
  • Cooing, spontaneously and in response to us (and we've had one squeal)
  • LOVING your baths!
  • Eating every 3-4 hours during the day
  • Sleeping 6-7 hours at night, without fail
  • Loving to sit in your bouncer seat on the kitchen counter (far away from the stove!) to watch me cook
  • Are a seasoned traveler, having made 3 trips to Murphy, NC to see Mommy's side of the family, and 1 trip to Charlotte, NC to see Daddy's side
  • Getting ready to attend your first wedding (Yay, Aunt Beth!)
  • Melting our hearts more and more each day as your personality continues to emerge

Enjoy the smiley pictures!!!!


Anonymous said...

Our sweet little Mackayla grows more beautiful each day! How can she be two months, already? This summer has flown and so has her short time on Earth! We love the way her face and her expressions seem to change daily. When you guys were here over the weekend, she tried to coo louder than I spoke. It seemed she was trying to say, "Nana, listen to me, I can talk, too!" She would then flash her big beautiful gummy smile! It seems she has inherited her Nana's love of conversation, which is not a bad thing. My love of talk made my twenty years as a 'navy wife' much easier than it might have been. Polite conversation eases tension and allows strangers time to become acquainted. As you know, almost twenty years after Dad's retirement from the Navy, we are blessed to still have many good friends from that time in our lives.
With her sweet beauty and gentle ways, our little Mackayla should have no trouble making and keeping good friends in her life. We love all the smiley pictures, she is such a happy baby!
Hope those nasty old shots won't cause her any more problems and that she awoke feeling better. Poor baby! We are concerned by reports of Autism and other health problems being linked to the scary practice of administering too many vaccines to infants and toddlers at one time! Little ones are also individuals, whose size and health condition should be considered in each and every medical decision, especially when dealing with any treatment which has the potential to cause brain damage and ruin lives. At the very least, a limit should be placed on the amount of vaccine and how many injections can be given at one time. Parents should have the right to request only one vaccine be administered to their child, per visit. Sorry, I get on my 'soap box' when I am concerned about my grandchildren. We love you all.
Papaw & Nana