Monday, July 27, 2009

Wedding Prep!

Jon's sister, the girls' Aunt Beth, is getting married in 6 weeks!!! We've had Mackenzie's flower girl (or as Mackenzie calls it, her princess) dress for a while, and I wanted to make sure she wasn't going to outgrow it before the ceremony. I took some pics to pass on to Beth, and couldn't resist posting them here. (On a side note, AJ's nephew Preston, who is about 6 months younger than Mackenize, is the ring bearer. Mackenzie has told me countless times that she's the princess, he's the prince, and they're going to dance together, like on the Taylor Swift song. Her words, not mine!)

Full body pose...
With socks...
Without socks... (I love this picture!!!!)
I swear she is imitating Marilyn Monroe! Too cute!
One of my favorites!