Friday, March 27, 2009

31 Weeks

We are up to 31 weeks! This pregnancy has flown by at times, and at other times (like when the Braxton-Hicks contractions are driving me nuts) it seems to go so slow. We are measuring pretty much on target, and the doctors say that we are having a great 2nd pregnancy. I love this news because I can be a worrywart, and this puts my mind at ease. Mackayla has really started moving around like crazy. At night we love to sit on the couch and watch her move all over the place. Today I felt her have the hiccups for the first time. Mackenzie had them every day the last few weeks that I was pregnant with her, and I was really hoping that Mackayla would do the same.
(To explain the picture--I can never take a picture with my eyes open, so when Jon took this shot, I had to post it!)

Busy Girl!

Mackenzie has been a busy girl this week. On Tuesday we registered for Pre-K. Since she hasn't been to school yet, this is a bittersweet time for me. At registration, we visited her classroom and she got to meet her future classmates. I have no doubt she's going to love school-she made friends immediately!

Silly girl! Watching Beauty and the Beast while sitting under a

We went to see Ms. Terri for our very overdue haircuts. Mackenzie loves getting her hair done. We've never been to one of the kids salons, and the way she sits and stays still, hopefully we'll never have to go to one. God knows it's hard enough for me to make time for one hair appointment, much less to go to two places!

Playtime at the mall
(Mackenzie was NOT in the mood to share the car)
She's serious about having fun!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Pat's!

We don't do much for St. Patrick's Day--no green beer or partying. Just cute Jibbits in our shoes, shamrock earrings, hairbows, and shirt. We visited Jon and my dad at work, and Mackenzie helped Papaw color his reports (rough draft, I promise!). And where is Papaw's green for St. Pat's? He says his underwear is green--we'll take his word for it! While Mackenzie was potty-training, we had promised her she could go to Target and pick out a reward for having no accidents. Well, finally, after almost 2 months of being completely potty-trained, we went to pick out her reward. She decided on a family of elephants. Mackenzie has always loved having families to play with. After we got back in the van, she told us that the kids were Mackenzie and Mackayla. I asked her who the parents were--with no hesitation she said, "Karen and Rex". Where on earth did that come from?!?!?!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Whoo-hoo! I just checked my test results from the glucose test last gestational diabetes!!!
Now, an obligitory picture of 2 of my favorite people!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

28 weeks!

Thursday marked the 28th week of pregnancy #2. We went to the doctor on Wednesday. The baby is measuring a little big, but that's not unusual for our kids (Mackenzie was 9.9 when she was born at 41 weeks)! So now we start doctor visits every two weeks and keep an eye on the growing belly. (Mackenzie helped me pick out this shirt, it says "Let the love grow". )

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We finally have a name!!!


Mackenzie enjoyed waking up Sunday at Papaw and Nana's to a yard full of snow. It made her weekend to be able to throw snowballs at her daddy.