Saturday, December 5, 2009

6 months and counting

It is so unbelievable to me that my baby is already 6 months old. The time is flying by so fast, I can't keep up. I've heard it said that you always remember the firsts, but nobody thinks to try to remember the lasts. The last time Mackayla slept in her cradle in our room passed without me knowing it; the last time we could put her in her bouncer seat and not worry that she would try to pull herself out it passed. Thankfully there's not that many "lasts" yet. I am keeping it in mind with Mackenzie--sometimes she still wants to sleep in our bed, or wants me to sing one more song before I tuck her in at night. I am remembering that one day it will be the last time, and savoring every bit of motherhood that I can.
Well, after that bit of nostalgia, here is Mackayla's 6 month update!
Mackayla, at 6 months you are:
  • Rolling everywhere, all the time!
  • Trying to crawl
  • You haven't been able to sit unsupported yet, but that doens't stop you from getting what you want--you are constantly reaching and getting Mackenzie's toys, hair, glasses, anything you can get your sticky fingers on!
  • Loving to eat anything that isn't green!
  • Still sleeping 10-12 hours at night, in your own room, in your crib
  • Gibbering non-stop, I swear you said "Hi" to the DISH service-man the other day (Mackenzie starting talking at 6 months too)
  • Giggling like crazy when Mackenzie blows raspberries on your tummy
  • Enjoying your baths, still splashing like crazy. I usually get soaked during your baths.
  • Loving going out, whether it's to gymnastics, shopping, dinner, mom or dad's work, or to your grandparents house--you are always a happy baby.
  • Getting ready for your 1st Christmas--it's going to be great!