Tuesday, February 23, 2010

9 months!

A letter to our girl:

Mackayla, at 9 months, you are still such a happy baby! The only time you fuss is when we're not fast enough with your food, or if you need a clean diaper. Of course, if you had it your way, you'd never wear a diaper! You love being naked, and laugh when you play the drums on your tummy. Your favorite playmate is still your big sister, Mackenzie. Even in the middle of a cry, her face or voice makes you stop and smile. You are sleeping 10-12 hours every night, in your room. You love Rafi, your stuffed giraffe that keeps watch over you while you sleep. You are the easiest kid in the world to put to bed. After your bedtime diaper change and bottle, we simply put you in your crib, hand you Rafi, turn on your music and humidifier, tell you we love you, and walk out of the room. We don't hear a peep from you until the next morning. You take several small naps during the day. Lately Daddy has been working 12 hour shifts, so your Grandma Joyce has been taking care of you and Mackenzie in the afternoons while Mommy works, too. You both love going over to her house. You went to your first movie a few days ago, to see "The Princess and The Frog". You sat in your stroller and talked to yourself and chewed on your socks during the first 20 minutes, and then slept through the rest, waking up just in time for the credits. You don't like solid food yet--anytime you taste something you don't care for, you gag until you throw up. Mommy doesn't like that so much! You are definitely an old pro at sitting on your own now, and scoot on your bottom a little. Soon we know you'll be crawling, but for now you are content to scoot or roll to get where you want to be. You are saying "Da-Da" more clearly, and love to sing and dance in the car---I think you like Miley Cyrus the best! My favorite thing you do is something you've done for the past 6 months. Whenever you are being held, all I have to say is "Bonk", and you lean in and bonk foreheads with me!!! It is the cutest thing, and makes us both laugh. A few days ago you were in your Jump-a-Roo and wanted out. When I picked you up, you grabbed my face and bonked me, and then wouldn't let go. That was one of the sweetest hugs I've gotten. You are also shaking your head, which cracks all of us up. I can't believe 9 months has gone by. Happy 9 month birthday, sweet girl!


Anonymous said...

Sweet Mackayla!
You are growing too fast! I know Mommy and Daddy wish you could stay their baby much longer, alas, life has many disappointments! The description Mommy wrote of you and the things you do, is perfect! You are such a happy baby, always in a good mood, with a big smile on your sweet face! That smile gets even bigger, when Mackenzie does or says anything! You have grown so strong, Nana can hardly hold you anymore, you are stronger than me, Little One! I love looking at the photos Mommy posts on the blog and facebook, but even more, I love the videos...I watch them often, laughing at you and your sister's antics. Papa and I love watching you shake your head. It never gets old, we crack up every time we see you do it! ~ Before we know it, you will be a year old! It seems you were only born a day or so ago! You were so tiny, I loved holding you close, smelling your sweet, baby smell. Soon, we will be watching you blow out your first birthday candle. Just remain the sweet, loving person you have been your first year, (your whole life!), and you will have a great life! We love you, Sweet Baby!
Lots of Love,
Papa & Nana