Saturday, February 20, 2010


Kenzie is still really enjoying her gymnastics class. She is doing very well, and getting more confident with each class.
This is what Mackayla does every Tuesday morning for an hour. There are a few other siblings of Mackenzie's classmates, and she loves watching them play, too.

Kenzie on the high beam. When she first started, she wouldn't let go of Ms. M's hands, and she would hold on so tight, you could see her hands turn white (from the observation room!). Now, she walks with very light support (which is mandatory for the 4 year old class). Oh, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the hand on her hip!!!!
Jumping :-)
On the low beam, jumping over sporadically spaced obstacles.
Working on the bar.
Music and floor time (complete with drumsticks).